Nouvelles Publications (25 Mars)

Nouvelles Publications (25 Mars)

PloS One; General and Comparative Endocrinology

Minoli S., Kauer I., Colson V., Party V., Renou M., Anderson P., Gadenne C., Marion-Poll F., and Anton S. Brief exposure to sensory cues elicits stimulus-nonspecific general sensitization in an insect. PloS One, 7(3) e34141.

Duportets L., Bozzolan F., Abrieux A., Maria A., Gadenne C. Debernard S. The transcription factor Krüppel homolog 1 is linked to the juvenile hormone-dependent maturation of sexual behavior in the male moth, Agrotis ipsilon. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 176, 158-166.

Date de modification : 11 septembre 2023 | Date de création : 24 mars 2012 | Rédaction : Christophe Gadenne